Making Homemade Lemonade

Our recipe makes one quart of lemonade.

Lemon trees in southern California are pretty common. Many people have them in their yards and sometimes they are located in public areas and are available for picking. If someone has a lemon tree on their property, there may be hundreds of lemons that all ripen over several months between late fall and early summer. One lemon tree can produce way more lemons than any family can handle and consequently they are given away to friends, neighbors and charitable organizations. In our case we picked a bunch of lemons from my son’s tree.

In order to make the lemonade, first we needed to have some type of juicer to extract the juice from the lemon. We went on Ebay and purchased a classic glass juicer for about $16.00, including shipping. It has a big reservoir for holding the juice and a great spout for pouring.

Making lemonade

Making lemonade

1) Two medium lemons
2) About 1/3 Cup of sugar
3) Water to fill the quart jar

Squeezing the lemons with a classic juicer

Squeezing the lemons with a classic juicer

Putting it all together
1) Cut the lemons in half and juice the lemons
2) Separate out any seeds that the lemon may have
3) Pour the lemon juice in a quart container
4) Add 1/3 cup of sugar to start. You can add more if you want the lemonade sweeter
5) Fill the rest of the jar with water and shake
6) Let the juice cool in the refrigerator or add ice to your glass of fresh lemonade

A quart mason jar and a glass of lemonade

A quart mason jar and a glass of lemonade